Monday, September 30, 2013

You diet has more to do with weight loss than you think

It's been said that almost 90% of weight loss comes from your diet. That percentage is an overwhelming number. Who would have thought that losing weight has more to do with your diet than it does with your exercise. Well it makes perfect sense though. Just think about it, if you are consuming thousands of calories a day and your 1 hour work out only burns up to 500 calories, you'll never lose weight.

But if you control what you eat, then you'll have a better chance of cutting calories. So by dieting alone, you can lose more weight than you would have if you exercised alone. If you need help with suppressing your appetite, then you should start using Cytotrim, this is a dietary supplement that helps to curb your appetite, making you eat less while increasing your metabolism.

Friday, September 27, 2013

If you don't lose the weight, you won't feel great

Tired of being fat and feeling gross? Then do something about it today. Stop the complaining and saying you want to lose weight but not actually doing anything about it. Here's the kicker to all this, you've had every opportunity to do so, but still refuse. Do you need a heart attack to take weight loss seriously? How about a a doctor ordering you that you need to lose weight?

Don't let it get to that, start using Cytotirm now to help you increase your metabolism, decrease appetite and give you energy. Then put some effort into your diet and exercise program.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Eating while on a diet

So you're on a diet to lose some weight. But you're not entirely sure how much food should you eat? Here's a basic rule of thumb, 1500 calories per day. If you include green vegetables, then you can eat as much of it as you want. Vegetables typically don't have too many calories and they are packed with nutrients that your body needs. Anti-oxidants can be had with any bright read vegetables like beets tomatoes.

If you are on a weight loss program that incorporates a weight loss supplement like Cytorrim, then make sure you are getting at least 5 servings of vegetables per day. In fact, if you are in between meals and don't want to increase your caloric intake for the day, eat some vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower to help you feel satisfied.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dieting tip from Cytotrim

Here's a tough diet tip you can try and would yield some great results. You ready? Don't eat after 8pm. Here's what happens, its been about 2 hours since you last had food and that was a big meal at dinner. But as you sit there watching TV, you get bored and want to snack. You're not really hungry, but you're just bored. So what do you end up doing, you eat.

Rather than ignoring the desire to snack, you give into it. But if you resisted, you are able to save yourself as much as 500 extra calories which will translate to lost weight later on. Think about it, if you had that bowl of ice cream, you can easily consume a few hundred calories and that right there can sabotage your diet.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tough love

We all know someone who is overweight. I'm sure you want talk to them about their weight problem but you're not so sure how to do that without causing an argument or hurting their feelings. Starters you could talk to them out of love and concern. Don't show any anger or impatience. I'm sure they'll have all sorts of reasons why they've let themselves go. Keep in mind that when you talk to overweight people, this is a sensitive subject to them and most likely are embarrassed about it.

One of the things you need to bring up is that you're concerned they might develop other health ailments due to them being overweight. Talk to them about all the life moments they would miss out on. From playing sports, doing activities or the simple joy of walking their daughter down the aisle for her wedding. They would certainly miss all that because you were simply too fat to do any of it. Don't let their life pass you by, start using Cytorim to help increase their metabolism and suppress their appetite. By doing so they'll start to make an impact on your weight. Eventually they'll start making some great progress on your weight.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Working out not doing enough for you?

The reason why it's not, it's probably because working out is only 10% effective in weight loss. Even though there’s health reasons why you should work out, but its not the source of your weight loss. Did you know it’s believed that your food intake is 90% responsible for your weight loss?

If you are eating as many as a few thousands of calories in a day and your 1 hour work out which only burns up to 500 calories just  doesn’t make that much of an impact into your 3000 calorie day.In which you’ll never lose weight.

However, the great thing is, if you are able to control what you eat, then you could have better chances of slicing your the daily calories. Just by dieting alone, you can easily lose more weight than you would have if all you did was ride the stationary bike one hour a day. If you have a hard time with sticking to a strict diet and need help with suppressing your appetite, then you should start using Cytotrim, a dietary supplement that helps to curb your appetite, making you eat less while increasing your metabolism