Friday, November 22, 2013

Predict your weight loss with Cytotrim

It's actually pretty easy to predict how much weight you could potentially lose with Cytotrim.
All it takes is basic math. There’s some work behind it, but it’s easy.  A week prior to your diet,start writing down what you’re putting into your body for each meal, every day. Don’t skip or leave out any details. Calculate how many calories the food you are eating. You can find online resources that have calorie counters that give information per type of food.

What you’ll find is you’re eating a few thousand calories per day. We’ll pretend you’re eating 3000 calories per day. But to lose one pound, you have to burn 3500. Place yourself on a 1500 calorie diet per day. Here’s where the simple math comes in. On a daily average you’ve already cut out 1500 calories just because you’re on your diet. That’s potentially ½ a pound you can lose in a day.  Now multiply that 1500 by how many days you are on the diet. Then subtract that number from the 3000 calorie diet per day . For example, in 7 days if you’re on a 1500 calorie diet, that’s 10,500 calories for the week. Then you take what you normally eat at 3000 calories per day for 7 days and that’s 21,000 calories. Subtract your current calorie intake of 10,500 and that leaves you with 10,500. Divide 10,500 by 3,500 and that gets you 3. The 3 is the pounds you can lose in a 7 day period. Not bad right? 2 weeks that’s 6, 2 more weeks that’s 12 lbs!

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